dimecres, 13 de maig del 2015

Learning and singing!

Durant la classe d'anglès, els alumnes de 4t aprenen les cançons de cada unitat per millorar la seva pronunciació i per entendre el nou vocabulari. En aquest cas, els nens i nenes estan aprenent noves expressions i verbs per parlar de les seves rutines diàries. S'han après la cançó per practicar aquest nou vocabulari. Alguns fins i tot la ballen!

During the English lessons, the 4th grade students learn the song of every unit to improve their pronounciation and to understand the new vocabulary. In this case, children are learning new expressions and verbs of some of their daily routines, and they have memorized a song to practise them. Some of them even dance!

Song U6 from Escola Pia 2 on Vimeo.

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